Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment
Thailand - PHPT
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The Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment (PHPT) is a non-governmental,
non-profit medical and social science research and education organization
working in Thailand since 1996.
Its objectives are to develop, test and apply medical treatments
and other interventions to improve health and alleviate social
consequences of HIV infection, and to optimize access for effective
health services in the general population.
PHPT has a multilingual (Thai, French, English, Hmong, Lahu) international
staff of about 100 people. PHPT's staff includes researchers,
medical doctors, anthropologists, epidemiologists, biologists,
pharmacologists, nurses, field interviewers, administrative and
financial staff. PHPT is a collaborative program under the Thai
International Cooperation Agency involving Chiang Mai University,
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (France), and
several other international universities such as Harvard School
of Public Health and other research institutes. PHPT collaborates
closely in research and application of research results with the
Thai Ministry of Public Health.

PHPT's outstanding achievements
in medical research
In 2004, PHPT's Medical Science Department proved that a simple
antiretroviral drug treatment applied during pregnancy reduces
the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child from over 20% to
less than 2%. This treatment was immediately adopted by the Thai
Ministry of Public Health as the standard of care for use in Thailand
and is incorporated in the WHO recommendations for the prevention
of mother-to-child transmission in resource-limited settings.
1. Teenagers living with HIV-AIDS
Many children born with HIV infection are now entering adolescence.
Unfortunately, these teenagers, whose lives were saved by the
treatments during early childhood, are experiencing a worrying
increase in mortality. PHPT's "Teenagers Living with Antiretrovirals"
(TEEWA) project investigates the health, social and family situation
of these children and their specific needs. The TEEWA study
shows that adolescents often face discrimination particularly
at school. Many of these children have physical and mental handicaps
resulting from infections before they started treatment. Their
parents or others who take care of them are very concerned about
their economic future and family life. Working together with
a Youth Community Advisory Board, PHPT is developing appropriate
interventions to address problems of adolescents who face life-long
2. Access to Care (ATC): a key component of PHPT's Social Science
has national health insurance with near-universal coverage for
its citizens. Thailand is also host to over 6,000,000 international
migrants plus over 1,000,000 members of 12 major ethnic minority
groups, many of whom are not effectively covered in Thailand's
universal health insurance scheme. As compared with the general
Thai population, ethnic minorities and newly arrived migrants
have disproportionately high rates of infectious diseases such
as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, but make less use of
available health services for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
The Access to Care (ATC) research describes and evaluates constraints
that limit access to health services for recent international
migrants and for some members of ethnic minorities, and plans
programs to overcome these obstacles.
For more information about
the Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment,
please visit their website: www.phpt.org
Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment
Office : 187/10, Changklan Rd.,
Changklan, Muang,
Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 5381 9125 to 29 -- Fax: + 66 (0) 5381 9130
Donations for PHPT Activities
PHPT seeks donations for the ATC program to listen to members
of additional minority groups and to migrants in different parts
of Thailand, and to develop and test interventions, such as health
education materials in non-Thai languages that are key to implementing
the "Stop AIDS" campaign, the current stage of Thailand's
efforts to curtail the HIV epidemic.
The TEEWA project seeks funds to continue and expand its work
with PHPT's Youth Community Advisory Board in order, for example
to prevent some of the difficulties experienced by teenagers with
their treatments and to design career development services specifically
for teenagers, and to provide accessible guidelines and advice
for their parents and care givers who are faced with young people
at a crucial stage in their personal life.
Donate by
mail to the
Program for HIV Prevention and Treatment - Thailand.
Make checks payable to "Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
" and note on the "memo" line on the check
- "PHPT Thailand"
Mail donations to:
Generosity in Action
c/o Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA 94612-1201
You can make a donation to the PHPT
via the internet.
Once you are at PVF/Donate page, locate the section "Designated
Funds" - click the button for "Generosity in Action"
- and specifiy in the text box "PHPT Thailand" There
is a 3% administrative fee for internet transactions