Bwejuu community Charitable Organization
in Zanzibar and Roadmonkey, a California based philanthropic adventure
travel company, have joined forces to promote poultry production to orphans
of Bwejuu village in Zanzibar!
community Charitable Organization in non profit NGO established in 2001,
in Bwejuu village, South District of Unguja Island for the purpose of
providing orphans and underprivileged different types of education, business
skills, environmental conservation and management, leadership skills and
individual talent development.
It currently has 219 orphans and underprivileged children and 16 teachers
and the community of Bwejuu have benefited from various projects and education
scheme thus improving on their standard of living and reducing poverty.
is a philanthropic organization which combines a challenging adventure
with a hands-on volunteer project that offers a transformative international
experience. Travelers visiting Zanzibar will directly contribute to the
welfare of the local people.
Bwejuu community Charitable Organization is located in the village's heart
of tourism centre with subsistence farming in the form of shifting cultivation
as the main activity of the village. Farming is done in the coral forest
where production is insufficient for house hold consumption. The low production
of produce is caused mainly by poor fertile soils and this increasing
to their level of poverty since most of the production is consumed and
none sold to earn an income. This contributing to over exploitation of
the scarce resources and environment.
community Charitable Organization is setting up a poultry production project
to reduce poverty. Roadmonkey expedition volunteers will work together
with the organization to construct chicken houses. The products from the
project will be eggs and meat which has already market in the village
that will be sold to the tourist hotels in the area. Addition to that
the waste got from the chicken will be used as manure by individual farmers
to boast the fertility of their soils. This will contribute to the improvement
and quantity of their production especially vegetables that can also be
sold to the tourist hotels.
The construction of the chicken houses will be done together with the
community upon arrival of the Roadmonkey travelers July 26 thorugh July
30, 2011 as part of the Roadmonkey's philanthropic adventure!
For more information on Roadmonkey visit their website at
Participants in the Roadmonkey July 2011
program can make tax-deductible donations by mail or via the internet.